Monday, April 7, 2014

Plaster and Marble

Happy week everybody! This week is the last week before Passover break.We are starting to really think about what we want to do for our two-month practicum, as well as being really busy with work during the day and stuff we have to do on our own. Here is a look at what we did yesterday and today.

Yesterday and today we got up early to head to Caesarea to do more work. Yesterday we started with a proper tour of the site. We also went to the newer hippodrome out away from the park which most tourists don't realize exists. It has not been excavated, but the cylinder-shape of the structure is devoid of trees, making it visible. In the center of it is an obelisk that has been reconstructed and set up on a podium. After the tour we went to work. We learned about plaster conservation and then each got a section of wall to fill in the holes and reinforce the original plaster. We had to leave the site early so we could get back to Akko for Hebrew lesson. Since I don't go to the lessons I had time to work on the "homework" we had to do. Last week we were assigned areas of the courtyard in the International Conservation Center to document, analyze and write the condition assessment and conservation report. I needed more photos of my wall, so I used the time to document everything I needed.

Today we were back in Caesarea, this time working on marble conservation in the theater. We were right on the orchestra floor with a shade tarp, which meant we were in the perfect place to ruin tourists' photos of the theater. Throughout the day people came up to us asking about our work. Marble conservation entailed filling the cracks with a marble powder mortar that was mixed to match the color of the individual blocks of marble. We each worked on an area and mixed our own mortar so it matched the color of our area. After we finished working we spent some time on the beach. Lying on the sand and relaxing in the sun was a nice and refreshing way to end the day.

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